” Red Flags”: behaviors that may warrant a Pediatric Boulevard referral
Gross Motor
If a child is….
- not rolling by 7 months of age
- not pushing up on extended arms, lifting his head and shoulders in prone by 8 months of age
- not sitting independently by 10 months of age
- not crawling by 12 months of age
- not sitting upright in a child-size chair by 12 months of age
- not pulling to stand by 12 months of age
- not standing alone by 12 months of age
- not walking by 18 months of age
- not jumping by 30 months of age
- not independent on stairs by 30 months of age
- “walking” their hands up their bodies to achieve a standing position
- only walking on their toes, not the soles of their feet
- frequently falling/tripping for no apparent reason
- still “toeing in” at 2 years of age
- unusual creeping patterns
- any known diagnosis:Â Down’s Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, congenital heart condition, etc.
Fine Motor
If a child is…
- frequently in a fisted position with both hands after 6 months of age
- not bringing both hands to midline by 10 months of age
- not banging objects together by 10 months of age
- not clapping their hands by 12 months of age
- not deliberately and immediately releasing objects by 12 months of age
- not able to tip and hold their bottle by themselves and keep it up, without lying down, by 12 months of age
- still using a fisted grasp to hold a crayon at 18 months of age
- not using a mature pincer grasp (thumb and index finger, pad to pad) by 18 months of age
- not drawing a vertical line by 24 months of age
- not able to snip with scissors by 30 months of age
- using only one hand to complete tasks
- not being able to move/open one hand/arm
- drooling during small tasks that require intense concentration
- displaying uncoordinated or jerky movements when doing activities
- crayon strokes are either too heavy or too light to see
- any know medical diagnosis:Â Down’s Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, etc.
Cognition/Problem Solving
If a child is…
- not imitating body action on a doll by 15 months of age (kiss the baby, feed the baby)
- not able to match 2 sets of objects by item by 27 months of age (blocks in one container and people in another container)
- not able to imitate a model from memory by 27 months of age (show me how you brush your teeth)
- not able to match 2 sets of objects by color by 31 months of age
- having difficulty problem solving during activities in comparison to his/her peer
- unaware of changes in his/her environment and routine
If a child is…
- very busy, always on the go, and has a very short attention to task
- often lethargic or low arousal (appears to be tired/slow to respond, all the time, even after a nap
- a picky eater
- not aware of when they get hurt (no crying, startle, or reaction to injury)
- afraid of swinging/movement activities; does not like to be picked up or be upside down
- showing difficulty learning new activities (motor planning)
- having a hard time calming themselves down appropriately
- appearing to be constantly touching everything they see, including other children
- hypotonic (floppy body, like a wet noodle)
- having a difficult time with transitions between activity or location
- overly upset with change in routine
- hates bath time or grooming activities such as:Â brushing teeth, brushing hair, hair cuts, having nails cut, etc.
- afraid of/aversive to/avoids being messy, or touching different textures such as grass, sand, carpet, paint, play dough, etc.
If a child is…
- having difficulty biting or chewing food during mealtime
- needing a prolonged period of time to chew and/or swallow
- coughing/choking during or after eating on a regular basis
- demonstrating a change in vocal quality during/after eating (i.e. they sound gurgled or hoarse when speaking/making sounds)
- having significant difficulty transitioning between different food stages
- not feeding self finger foods by 14 months of age
- not attempting to use a spoon by 15 months of age
- not picking up and drinking from a regular open cup by 15 months of age
- not able to pull off hat, socks, or mittens on request by 15 months of age
- not attempting to wash own hands or face by 19 months
- not assisting with dressing tasks (excluding clothes fasteners) by 22 months
- not able to deliberately undo large buttons, snaps, and shoelaces by 34 months
Social/Emotional/Play Skills
If a child is…
- not smiling by the age of 4 months
- not making eye contact during activities and interacting with peers and/or adults
- not performing for social attention by the age of 12 months
- not imitating actions and movements by the age of 24 months
- not engaging in pretend play by the age of 24 months
- not demonstrating appropriate play with an object (i.e. instead of trying to put objects into a container, the child leaves the objects in the container and keeps flicking them with his fingers)
- fixating on objects that spin or turn (i.e. See ‘n Say, toy cars, etc.); also children who are trying to spin things that are not normally spun
- having significant difficulty attending to tasks
- getting overly upset with change or transitions from activity to activity