For each stage in your child’s life there are significant developmental milestones to observe. We have identified many of those milestones in the lists below.


The First Year

By 3 months of age:

Motor Skills

  • Lift head when held at your shoulder
  • Lift head and chest when lying on stomach
  • Turn head from side to side when lying on stomach
  • Follows a moving object or person with eyes
  • Holds hands open or loosely fisted
  • Grasps a rattle
  • Wiggles and kicks with arms and legs
  • Rolls to back from both sides
  • Holds head in midline through movement
  • Bears weight on both legs in supported standing
  • Turn head toward bright colors and lights
  • Turns toward the sound of a human voice
  • Recognizes bottle or breast
  • Responds to a shaking rattle or bell
  • Begins purposeful, visually directed reaching


Language and Social Skills

  • Makes cooing, gurgling sounds
  • Smiles when smiled at
  • Communicates hunger, fear, discomfort (through crying or facial expressions)
  • Usually quiets down at the sound of a soothing voice or when held
  • Anticipates being lifted
  • Reacts to “peek-a-boo” games


By 6 months of age:

Motor Skills

  • Holds head steady when sitting with help
  • Reaches for and grasps objects
  • Plays with toes
  • Helps hold a bottle during feeding
  • Explores by mouthing and banging objects
  • Moves toys from one hand to the other hand
  • Shakes a rattle
  • Pulls up to sitting position if you grasp hands
  • Sits with only a little support
  • Sits in a high chair
  • Rolls over
  • Bounces when held in a standing position


Sensory and Thinking Skills

  • Opens mouth for a spoon
  • Imitates familiar actions you perform


Language and Social Skills

  • Babbles
  • Knows familiar faces
  • Laughs and squeals with delight
  • Screams if annoyed
  • Smiles at self in a mirror
  • Recognizes own name
  • Cries in response to angry voices
  • Turns and looks at unfamiliar sounds


By 12 months of age:

Motor Skills

  • Drinks from a cup with help
  • Feeds self finger foods
  • Grasps small objects by using thumb and index finger
  • Uses first finger to poke or point
  • Puts small blocks in and takes them out of a container
  • Bangs 2 blocks together
  • Sits without support
  • Stops falls by extending arms in all directions
  • Crawls on hands and knees
  • Pulls self to standing or takes steps holding onto furniture
  • Stands alone briefly
  • Walks with one hand held
  • Cooperates with dressing by offering a foot or an arm


Sensory and Thinking Skills

  • Copies sounds and actions you make
  • Responds to music with body motion
  • Tries to accomplish simple goals (seeing and then crawling to a toy)
  • Looks for an object that falls out of sight (such as a spoon that falls under the table)


Language and Social Skills

  • Babbles, but it sometimes “sounds like” talking
  • Says first word
  • Recognizes family members’ names
  • Tries to talk with you
  • Responds to another’s distress by showing distress or crying
  • Shows affection to familiar adults
  • Shows mild to severe anxiety at separation from parent
  • Shows apprehension about strangers
  • Raises arms when wants to be picked up
  • Understands simple commands


By 18 months of age:


Motor Skill

  • Likes to pull, push, and dump things
  • Pulls off hat, socks, and mittens
  • Turns pages in a book
  • Stacks 2 blocks
  • Carries a stuffed animal or doll
  • Holds crayon with whole hand, thumb up
  • Scribbles with crayons
  • Walks without help
  • Runs stiffly
  • Walks up 4 steps without support and down steps with support from adult’s finger
  • Walks backwards 5 steps
  • Throws a small ball forward


Sensory and Thinking Skills

  • Identifies an object in a picture book
  • Laughs at silly actions
  • Looks for objects that are out of sight
  • Puts a round lid on a round pot
  • Follows simple 1-step directions
  • Solves problems by trial and error


Language and Sensory Skills

  • Says 8-10 words you can understand
  • Looks at a person who is talking to him/her
  • Asks specifically for mother or father
  • Uses “hi”, “bye” and “please” with reminders
  • Protests when frustrated
  • Asks for something by pointing or by using one word
  • Directs another’s attention to an object or action
  • Becomes anxious when separated from parent(s)
  • Seeks attention
  • Brings toys to share with parent
  • Acts out a familiar activity in play (pretends to take a bath or eat)
  • Plays alone on the floor with toys
  • Competes with other children for toys
  • Recognizes self in the mirror or in pictures
  • Seems selfish at times




The Second Year

By 2 years of age:

Motor Skills

  • Drinks from a straw
  • Feeds self with a spoon
  • Helps in washing hands
  • Puts on shoes, socks, and shorts; takes off shoes and socks
  • Puts arm in sleeves with help
  • Holds crayon with thumb and all fingers, forearm turned so thumb is pointing down
  • Draws a vertical line
  • Strings large beads
  • Snips paper with scissors
  • Rolls putty into “snake”
  • Builds a tower of 3-4 blocks
  • Opens cabinets, drawers, boxes
  • Operates a mechanical toy
  • Bends over to pick up a toy and does not fall
  • Runs 10 feet
  • Walks sideways 10 feet
  • Walks with one foot on a 4 inch line
  • Jumps forward 4 inches
  • Jumps down from a step
  • Walks up 4 steps without use of rail
  • Kicks a ball 3 feet
  • Throws a small ball overhand and underhand 3 feet


Sensory and Thinking Skills

  • Likes to take things apart
  • Explores surroundings
  • Points to 5-6 parts of a doll when asked


 Language and Social Skills

  • Has a vocabulary of several hundred words
  • Uses 2-3 word sentences
  • Says names of toys
  • Asks for information about an object (asks “shoe?” while pointing to shoe box)
  • Hums or tries to sing
  • Listens to short rhymes
  • Likes to imitate parents
  • Sometimes gets angry and has temper tantrums
  • Acts shy around strangers
  • Comforts a distressed friend or parent
  • Takes turns in play with other children
  • Treats a doll or stuffed animal as though it were alive
  • Applies pretend action to others (pretends to feed a doll)
  • Refers to self by name and uses “me” and “mine”
    • Verbalizes desires and feelings (“I want cookie”)
    • Laughs at silly labeling of objects and events (as in calling a nose an ear)
    • Enjoys looking at one book over and over
    • Points to eyes, ears, or nose when asked
  • Shows awareness of parental approval or disapproval for ones actions




The Third Year

By 3 years of age:


Motor Skills

  • Feeds self
  • Opens doors
  • Holds a glass in one hand
  • Holds a crayon well
  • Washes and dries hands by self
  • Completes simple puzzles
  • Places small pegs into small holes
  • Strings small beads
  • Folds paper, if shown how
  • Holds a pencil with a “tripod grasp” (3 fingers), but moves forearm and wrist to write/color/draw
  • Draws a horizontal line
  • Builds a tower of 4-5 blocks
  • Throws a small ball overhand and underhand 7 feet
  • Able to catch a large ball
  • Puts on shoes
  • Dresses self with help
  • Uses the toilet with some help
  • Walks up steps, alternating feet without support
  • Walks down 4 steps without support
  • Walks on tiptoes for 8 feet
  • Walks on a line 3 steps
  • Kicks a ball forward 6 feet
  • Runs 30 feet
  • Jumps forward 24 inches
  • Jumps down from 18 inches high
  • Jumps over an object 2 inches off the floor
  • Stands on one foot for 3 seconds
  • Pedals a tricycle


Sensory and Thinking Skills

  • Recognizes sounds in an environment
  • Pays attention for about 3 minutes
  • Remembers what happened yesterday
  • Knows what is food and what is not food
  • Knows some numbers (but not always in the right order)
  • Knows where things usually belong
  • Understands what “1” is
  • Understands “now”, “soon”, and “later”
  • Substitutes one object for another in pretend play (pretends a block is a “car”)
  • Laughs at silly ideas
    • Looks through a book alone
    • Matches circles and squares
    • Matches an object to a picture of that object
    • Matches objects that have same function (puts a cup and plate together)
    • Counts 2-3 objects
    • Avoids some dangers (a hot stove or a moving car)
  • Follows simple 1-step commands


Language and Social Skills

  • Uses 3-5 word sentences
  • Asks short questions
  • Uses plurals (“dogs”, “cars”, “hats”)
  • Names at least 10 familiar objects
  • Repeats simple rhymes
  • Names at least one color correctly
  • Imitates housework or helps with simple tasks
  • Asks to use the toilet almost every time
  • Enjoys being read to
  • Talks about feelings and mental states (remembering)
  • Demonstrates some shame when caught in a wrongdoing
  • Tries to make others laugh
  • Plays spontaneously with two or three children in a group
  • Assigns roles in pretend social play(“You be mommy”; “I be daddy”)
  • Knows first and last name
  • Understands “I”, “you”, “he”, and “she”
  • Believes everything centers around him/her (“if I hide my eyes, no one will see me”)
  • Answers whether he/she is a boy or girl



The Fourth Year

By 4 years of age:


Motor Skills

  • Feeds self (with little spilling)
  • Tries to write name
  • Draws with the arm and not small hand movements
  • Draws a circle
  • Draws a face
  • Draw a cross (one vertical and one horizontal intersecting lines)
  • Uses scissors to cut straight and curved lines
  • Manages buttons, zippers, and snaps
  • Tries to buckle, button, and lace, even though probably needs help
  • Completely undress self if wearing clothes with simple fasteners
  • Brushes teeth with help
  • Builds a tower of 7-9 blocks
  • Puts together a simple puzzle of 4-12 pieces
  • Pours from a small pitcher
  • Uses the toilet alone
  • Puts a key in a lock and opens it
  • Runs 15 yards in 6 seconds
  • Jumps forward at least 30 inches
  • Jumps up and touches a line 3 inches above standing reach
  • Hops forward 6 inches
  • Walks forward 8 feet on a 4 inch line
  • Walks backward 4 feet on a 4 inch line
  • Walks downstairs alternating feet without support
  • Stands on tip toes without moving feet
  • Throws a ball overhand from 5 feet and hits a target
  • Throws a small ball underhand 10 feet
  • Swings, starting by self and keeping self going

Sensory and Thinking Skills

  • Recognizes red, yellow, and blue
  • Understands taking turns and can do so without always being reminded
  • Understands “big”, “little”, “tall”, and “short”
  • Wants to know what will happen next
  • Sorts by shape or color
  • Counts up to 5 objects
  • Follows 3 instructions given at one time (“put the toys away, wash your hands, and come eat”)
  • Distinguishes between the real world and the imaginary or pretend world
  • Identifies situations that would lead to happiness, sadness, or anger


Language and Social Skills

  • Has a large vocabulary and uses good grammar often
  • Repeats simple words in order
  • Often talks about action in conversation (“go”, “do”, “make”)
  • Enjoys rhyming and nonsense words
  • Uses regular past tenses of verbs (“pulled”, “walked”)
  • Uses “a”, “an”, and “the” when speaking
  • Asks direct questions (“May I?”, “Would you?”)
  • Wants explanations of “why”, “who” and “how”
  • Relates a simple experience he/she has had recently
  • Understands “next to”
  • Separates from parent for a short time without crying
  • Helps clean up toys at home or school when asked to
  • Likes to play “dress up”
  • Pretends to play with imaginary objects
  • Acts out elaborate events which tell a story (as in serving an imaginary dinner or going on a “dragon hunt”
  • Sometimes cooperates with other children
  • Often prefers playing with other children to playing alone
  • Changes the rules of a game as he/she goes along
  • Tries to bargain (“I’ll give you this toy if you’ll give me that one”)
  • Shares when asked
  • Enjoys tag, hide-and-seek, and other games with simple rules
  • Likes moderate “rough and tumble” play
  • Likes to do things for him/herself
  • Knows own age and the town where he/she lives
  • Acts as though a doll or stuffed animal thinks and feels on its own


The Fifth Year

By 5 years of age:


Motor Skills

  • Stands on one foot for 10 seconds or longer
  • Hops 20 feet on each leg
  • Able to do a forward roll
  • Able to jump forward 36 inches
  • Gallops and skips 8-10 feet
  • Runs 10 feet, picks up an object, and returns to starting line without falling or dropping the object
  • Able to jump over a string 10 inches off the floor
  • Jumps back and forth across a line on the floor without pausing
  • Accurately imitates arm positions
  • Using a overhead toss, hits a target from 12 feet
  • Able to bounce a small ball so it bounces once and hits a wall from 5 feet
  • Catches a small ball from 5 feet
  • Bounces and catches a small ball
  • Uses a “tripod grasp” (thumb and tips of 1st two fingers) on writing utensils and uses fingers only to write/draw/color
  • Copies triangles and other geometric patterns
  • Draws a person with a body
  • Prints some letters
  • Dresses and undresses without assistance, and usually ties shoes
  • Uses a fork, spoon, and (sometimes) a table knife to spread food items (jelly, peanut butter, mayo, etc) or cut soft foods
  • Independent with toilet needs
  • Cuts out a circle/square printed on paper
  • Builds steps of 6 blocks
  • Connects dots by drawing straight line
  • Builds pyramid of 6 blocks
  • Folds paper in half lengthwise
  • Colors between vertical lines
  • Grasps marker between thumb and pad of index finger, marker rests on first joint of middle finger
  • Touches each finger to thumb


Sensory and Thinking Skills

  • Can count ten or more objects
  • Correctly names at least 4 colors
  • Better understands the concept of time
  • Knows about things used every day in the home (money, food, appliances)


Language and Social Skills

  • Recalls part of a story
  • Speaks sentences of more than 5 words
  • Speaks in detailed sentences
  • Communicates well with peers and adults
  • Says most sounds correctly but may have trouble with l, s, r, v, z, ch, sh, and th
  • Uses future tense
  • Tells longer stories
  • Says name and address
  • Wants to please friends
  • Wants to be like his/her friends
  • More likely to agree to rules
  • Likes to sing, dance, and act
  • Shows more independence
  • Aware of sexuality
  • Able to distinguish fantasy from reality
  • Sometimes demanding, sometimes eagerly cooperative
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