Children Development
Children Developmental Red Flags
Who do I need to talk to about my Child’s Development?
Speech Therapy
- Being understood by family, caregivers, or individuals whom they do not associate regularly
- Transitioning from bottle to open mouth cup or sucking through as straw
- Transitioning between different food stages such as from pureed foods to solids
- Following directions
- Paying attention for more than 5 minutes during play with a book or toy
- Playing with toys appropriately, taking turns, playing pretend, or using imaginary play with toys
- Gaining and using new vocabulary
- Speaking in sentences
- Showing eye contact when spoken to
- Chewing, biting, or holding foods in mouth for long periods of time
- Speaking too loudly or softly
- Playing with other children
- Answering simple questions or retelling information
Occupational Therapy
- Moving arms and hands freely to play with objects
- Grasping and releasing objects
- Holding a crayon
- Stacking blocks
- Copying shapes or scribbling
- Doing puzzles
- Doing puzzles
- Snipping/cutting with scissors
- Self-feeding (drinking from a cup, using a spoon)
- Trying new foods (extremely picky eater)
- Getting dressed (managing zippers, buttons, snaps, shoe laces)
- Holding a pencil with a mature grasp
- Forming letters or writing legibly
- Demonstrating short attention to task
- Transitioning to a new location or activity
- Learning new activities and tolerating changes in routine
- Calming themselves down appropriately
- Bathing or grooming (brushing teeth, brushing hair, cutting hair/nails)
- Being always “on the go”
- Being slow to respond
- Doesn’t enjoy messy play/touching different textures(grass,carpet,sand,etc)
Physical Therapy
- Tolerating tummy time
- Pushing up on arms and lifting head while on tummy
- Rolling from belly to back, and vice versa
- Sitting or standing without support
- Walking, running, or jumping
- Going up and down steps easily
- Transitioning from sitting to standing, either from a chair or from the floor
- “Keeping up” while playing with other kids their age
- Demonstrating episodes of joint or muscle pain
- Catching, throwing, or kicking a ball
- Successfully completing jumping jacks, galloping or skipping
- Participating in heavy play for longer than 30 minutes without stopping to rest
Call today to speak to one of our licensed therapists for a free screen to see if we can help your child’s development!
What to expect when I call for a FREE screen?
What is a Therapeutic Screen?
- A Screening is a brief 5 minute set of questions and observations used to assess whether a child would benefit from a comprehensive evaluation. Screenings are NOT comprehensive enough to indicate a delay OR qualify a child for therapy
How long does a screening take?
- A screening is a brief 5-10 minute conversation and/or behavioral observation with the child, parent and therapist.
What is the difference between a screening and a consultation?
- A consultation takes place via phone prior to coming in to the clinic. Prior to taking a trip to the clinic, one of our licensed therapists can tell you if the child’s behaviors are typical developmental for his age.
Who provides the screening?
- Based on the area of concern, one of Pediatric Boulevard’s licensed Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists or Physical Therapistswould provide a free screening.
What happens if my child fails the screen?
- If a child does not pass a screening, it DOES NOT qualify them for therapy. It would only indicate the need for a more comprehensive evaluation. If your child does not pass the screening then he/she may be fine. Please remember that a screening is a brief look at a child. Sometimes children are shy and do not answer the therapists questions.
Does my child need a screen or evaluation?
- After speaking with one of our licensed therapist regarding a screening, an evaluation may be suggested to provide a more comprehensive lookat your child. Our licensed therapist will suggest which is best following your initial phone consultation.