Pediatric Boulevard’s Ultimate Gift List for Kids!
Pediatric Boulevard’s Ultimate Gift List for Kids!
Toys that benefit a child’s physical and communication development
Happy Halloween vs. Halloween Horror
Happy Halloween vs. Halloween Horror
Tips to help your child have a fun and sensory-friendly Halloween!
Halloween should be a fun and enjoyable time for every child; however, some children with special needs will need some modifications to make their Halloween enjoyable.
What is a Floppy Baby??
Low muscle tone, officially defined as Hypotonia, could be the cause of these symptoms. The official cause of Hypotonia is unknown; however, it is very common and can be present in normal infants, as well as infants with specific diagnoses such as Down’s Syndrome or Prematurity. If a child has Hypotonia, it is very likely for them to present with delayed milestones such as sitting, crawling, walking and even speaking. Read More